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我该做什么? 我该低头认错吗? 我该提醒你这种决定不是我第一次做了吗? 我该给你补补历史吗? 我该做什么? 我该帮你回忆我们曾经有多快乐吗? 恩。。。一切正常 我真的该承认我亲手毁了自己吗? 我该做什么?我该做什么?我该做什么? 我该把纹身洗掉吗? 想看我超靓的新鞋? 我该一心卖鞋吗?超靓的新鞋? 还是我该说,我不是所谓的榜样 嗨、查尔斯巴克利 说真的,我该做什么? 我该坦白我的眼里只有总冠军吗? 为了钱?戒指? 我该成为你想要的样子吗? 我该不该接受安排 当个反派? 我看我最好走人 我不该听朋友的话? 他们可是我的朋友啊 我该试试拍戏吗? 我该逗你开心吗? 我该为你申请朗诵吗? 用语言伤害我 你可以用眼神鄙视我 但我依然会冉冉升起 我该把地板撬起从新来过吗? 我该做什么 我该成为你想要的样子吗?  英文版是What should I do?Should I admit that I’ve made mistakes?Should I remind you that I’ve done this before?Should I give you a history lesson?What should I do?(…with the No.1 pick…)Should I tell you how much fun we had?(…the No.1 pick, LeBron James)So…this went wellShould I really believe I ruined my legacy…What should I do?What should I do?What should I do?Should I have my tattoo removed?Wanna see my shiny new shoes?Should I just sell shoes? shiny new shoes?Or should I tell you...I am not a role modelHi Charles!Seriously what should I do?Should I tell you I am a championship chaser?In it for the money, rings?Should I be who you want me to be?Should I accept my roleAs a villain?Maybe I should just disappear.(Hey LeBron, you should play football)Should I stop listening to my friends?They are my friendsShould I try acting?You just got to deal with the heat, man.Be patient.After all when the temperature drops,Everything is free and easy.Should I be writing this down?Uh huh.Should I make you laugh?Should I read you a soulful poem?(You may) shoot me with your words.You may cut me with your eyes.Or should we just clear the decks and start over?Coming through here.What should I do?Should I be who you want me to be


NIKE的 What makes someone great? Is it learning to shoot on a milk crate What about being named Mr. Basketball Ohio three times in a row? Or is it hanging three State championship banners in your high school gym? Maybe it’s being the number one draft pick, rookie of the year, the youngest to score 8000 points, or leading the team to the finals for the first time in our history? What if you did all that before the age of 22? All of those things are great, but that's what happens when all you care about is what you haven't done yet.


是什么让人变得了不起 是拿牛奶箱当篮筐练习投篮 是连续三年当选俄亥俄州篮球先生 连续三次为高中夺得州际篮赛冠军 或是当选状元秀年度新人 最年轻得8000总得分前锋 还是率领球队历史上第一次进入总决赛如果在22岁前, 你就做到这一切这些都很了不起 但是, 这一些都会过去你在乎的是赢得未来 英文翻译 what makes someone great? is it learn to shoot on a mill frame? what about being named mr basketball of Ohio 3 times in a roll? what is when hanging 3 state championships in your high school gym? maybe being number one nba draft pick, rookie of the year, score 8 thousands points, leading your team into the final, f irst time in our history, what if you did all that beofore age of 22, all those things been great,that's what happened., and what you care about, is what you haven't done yet!


Before the season match, playoff, goes to the athletic field on the road, before the game, after the game, pats the Nike advertisement, when 12 years old, when 30 years old, when I enter the field, you should better concentrate on completely, because of me whole-heartedly 季前赛,季后赛,还是去赛场的路上,赛前,赛后,拍耐克广告,十二岁时,三十岁时,当我进入球场时,你最好全神贯注,因为我将全力以赴 不做下一个谁,只做第一个自己。 不做下一个谁,做第一个我 ~~~ 现在勒布朗詹姆斯最新的KIKE广告语是 我的篮球.由街头打造. not next one the frist~ We all are witness~ 新的~! zhan mu si guang gao yu


我只有中文版的。 我该做什么? 我该低头认错吗? 我该提醒你这种决定不是我第一次做了吗? 我该给你补补历史吗? 我该做什么? 我该帮你回忆我们曾经有多快乐吗? 恩。。。一切正常 我真的该承认我亲手毁了自己吗? 我该做什么?我该做什么?我该做什么? 我该把纹身洗掉吗? 想看我超靓的新鞋? 我该一心卖鞋吗?超靓的新鞋? 还是我该说,我不是所谓的榜样 嗨、查尔斯巴克利 说真的,我该做什么? 我该坦白我的眼里只有总冠军吗? 为了钱?戒指? 我该成为你想要的样子吗? 我该不该接受安排 当个反派? 我看我最好走人 我不该听朋友的话? 他们可是我的朋友啊 我该试试拍戏吗? 我该逗你开心吗? 我该为你申请朗诵吗? 用语言伤害我 你可以用眼神鄙视我 但我依然会冉冉升起 我该把地板撬起从新来过吗? 我该做什么 我该成为你想要的样子吗?


NIKE的 What makes someone great? Is it learning to shoot on a milk crate What about being named Mr. Basketball Ohio three times in a row? Or is it hanging three State championship banners in your high school gym? Maybe it’s being the number one draft pick, rookie of the year, the youngest to score 8000 points, or leading the team to the finals for the first time in our history? What if you did all that before the age of 22? All of those things are great, but that's what happens when all you care about is what you haven't done yet.


Before the season match, playoff, goes to the athletic field on the road, before the game, after the game, pats the Nike advertisement, when 12 years old, when 30 years old, when I enter the field, you should better concentrate on completely, because of me whole-heartedly 季前赛,季后赛,还是去赛场的路上,赛前,赛后,拍耐克广告,十二岁时,三十岁时,当我进入球场时,你最好全神贯注,因为我将全力以赴 蛮厉害的,这家伙


在2007年,Nike 重新选择六位行段球星代言 Air Force 1。科比·布莱恩含薯特、勒布朗·詹姆斯、拉希德·华莱士、阿玛雷·斯塔德迈尔档老誉、托尼·帕克和文斯·卡特成为 Air Force 1 的“新六人”。




what makes someone great? is it learn to shoot on a milk crate? what about being named MR. basketball of Ohio three times in a row? what is hanging three state championships banners in your high school gym? maybe is being number one drafted,rookie of the year,the youngeat score 8000 points,or leading your team into the finals,for the first time in our history, what if you did all that before age of 22, all those things are great? but that's what happens., and now you care about, is what you haven't done yet!


是什么让人变得了不起 是拿牛奶箱当篮筐练习投篮 是连续三年当选俄亥俄州篮球先生 连续三次为高中夺得州际篮赛冠军 或是当选状元秀 年度新人 最年轻得8000总得分前锋 还是率领球队历史上第一次进入总决赛 如果在22岁前,你就做到这一切 这些都很了不起 但是,这一些都会过去 你在乎的 是赢得未来 英文的 what makes someone great? is it learn to shoot on a mill frame? what about being named mr basketball of Ohio 3 times in a roll? what is when hanging 3 state championships in your high school gym? maybe being number one nba draft pick, rookie of the year, score 8 thousands points, leading your team into the final, first time in our history, what if you did all that beofore age of 22, all those things been great,that's what happened., and what you care about, is what you haven't done yet!